Friday, November 13, 2009

Ring the Alarm! Repost

I was alarmed when I stumbled across the statistics of HIV in Brooklyn! In fact the numbers are so gut wrenching high that it lead me to write about the insecurities of a modern day relationship. Please note this is my point of view. My point of view comes from the heart of a young woman who was in a 7.5 year relationship with a cheater and decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.. As Mary J Blige would say NO MORE DRAMA! (a post soon to come)

Cheating has always been a part of humanity. We all know about the natural instincts excuse! It is my belief that in modern society cheating has become so socially accepted that it has stripped most people (my bf would kill me if I singled out men) of our moral intuitions [most of us know when we are doing or about to do something wrong]. Positive moral influence is being replaced by negative social pressures! Everybody has to have a outside woman or man.

Imagine this: you are hanging out with your man/woman/husband/wife, one of their friends shows up with a date that is outside the norm (not classified above) and by anyone's observations they are quite the item. It is more than normal to ask your spouse (weh she come out) or who is he or she!. Your spouse than feels indirectly pressured to answer a question they don't want to. ( I believe that my ex would say "I really don't know nah even if he did know every gruesome detail.")

You ever heard the joke about a woman sleeping out and when she comes home she tells her husband she was by her friend, when the husband calls her 7 friends none knew what he was talking about! In the reverse situation the husband comes home with the same excuse but when the wife calls the 7 friends, 3 of them admitted that he slept by them, 2 said he just left and the other 2 informed her that he was still asleep and will call as soon as he woke up! LOL can't beat the boys network!

Ok back to the scenario above no-one wants their spouse to think negatively about their friends so it gets uncomfortable! Next time u decide to leave wifee/husbie home, it gets to the point where your friends have a secret code some places u know not to bring her/him. (this is sad but true) So if Its a party scene and a honey pass why not create a little small talk, take a little whine, exchange a small number its harmless we can be friends! WRONG its a social pressure(Some men actually think they have to do these things to fit in)

Ok now with the rapid spread of the monster (HIV) we who are in long term relationships/marriages are carrying each others lives in our private parts. There are so many women/men fooling around with multiple partners. It's the IN thing for many! Some have long term relationships outside of their marriages will they always use protection? How long does it take for you to trust someone to go unprotected? Do u trust your life in the pants/skirt of your spouse?

If your man is stupid enough to cheat you be smart enough to let go. There are good men out there.... I'm fortunate enough to give that testament..

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